| 머리말 Preface This book has been conceptualized as a broad overview of the critical issues, theoretical and practical, involved in public organizations and trends pertaining to their management. The emphasis is on the implication of these issues at both the “micro” (i.e., internal issues) and “macro” (i.e., external issues concerning relations and strategy) levels in an organization. This book also discusses important aspects of effective management in public organizations. Specifically, it looks at various aspects of theories on public organization, management, research and practices, regarding (1) organizational environment; (2) publicprivate distinctions; (3) structure, design, and technology; (4) leadership, culture, and motivation; and (5) effectiveness of goals. All articles in the book discuss the theoretical, conceptual, and methodological considerations that are appropriate to each topic; they also provide a critique of existing work on the respective topics. Additionally, they delineate the implications of future theory and research, and reflect on the implications of policy and practice at the individual, organizational, and societal levels. Specifically, this is a research handbook that includes literature on interdisciplinary research pertaining to management of public organizations, and covers several academic disciplines such as psychology, leadership studies, organizational theory/behavior, public values/ethics, and NGO studies. Moreover, it has a multilevel approach, addressing issues from the individual, managerial, organizational, and socio-cultural perspectives. Acknowledging the global and universal nature of issues related to public management, the editor has included research articles from several countries (Korea, China, Indonesia, and the US) and ensured that both the “East and West” have been represented in the book. Based upon Dr. Rainey’s “A framework for Organizational Analysis” (Rainey, 2009, p. 19–23), the 16 empirical studies in this book have been broadly conceptualized, categorized, and arranged according to 8 key themes: (1) Auspices: Public, Nonpublic, and so on; (2) Environments; (3) Leadership; (4) Culture; (5) Structures; (6) Processes; (7) People; and (8) Organizational Performance and Effectiveness. At the end of each section, relevant cases studies have been included in order to give readers access to the key managerial issues in virtual circumstances, and they are followed by a set of discussion questions. The case studies prompt discussion on a number of topics, including but not limited to the administrative environments, authority and structures, managing for effectiveness, leadership and culture, and the relationship between government and nonprofit organizations. For example, the case study in Section 7 has been introduced to illustrate the human element of motivation in public and nonprofit sectors. Some case studies introduce students to the nature and complexities of the management of public organizations and provide an opportunity to explore the competencies required for their effective management. The discussion questions that follow the case studies are linked to the topics illustrated in each chapter. These case studies and questions can be used in class to prompt discussions on key themes or assigned to students as homework. In the Appendix, a different set of public agency websites have been included to guide and facilitate class activities, for example, developing group application project papers and presentations. This book is expected to serve as a useful reference source for academics and researchers, a guide for public managers, policy makers, and practitioners, and as a teaching resource for undergraduate and graduate courses. Acknowledgements It requires a somewhat herculean effort to bring together this many expert coauthors from around the world and mesh them between two covers. To bring a book of this magnitude to fruition has required a team of authors committed to the effort of seeing this book come to life. I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to my coauthors who contributed to each of the chapters: Dr. Hal G. Rainey (UGA), Dr. Jessica Word (UNLV), Dr. M. Ernita Joaquin (SFU), Dr. Miao (ZJU), Dr. Hyung Jun Park (SKKU), Seona Kim (SKKU), Min Young Kim (SKKU), and the others. A doctoral student in the Graduate School of Governance at Sungkyunkwan University provided invaluable assistance with this edition. I am thankful to Seona Kim (Ph.D. candidate), my coauthor for Chapter 16, whose academic and editorial work was a major contributor to the accuracy and success of this volume. Her energy, initiative, and creativity are really appreciable. I also owe my gratitude to Chun Hwan Leem (CEO) and other representatives of Daeyoung Moonhwasa Publishing Company who have helped and supported the work on this edition. By the same token, it was a pleasure to work with a Marketing Director like Jae Hoon Jung, who provided us with a lot of information on publishing processes. Sung Min Park July 2013 Sungkyunkwan University Seoul, Korea 차 례 About the Author / Editor Preface Acknowledgements Introduction Section1 Auspices : Public and Nonpublic Driven to Service : Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation for Public and Nonprofit Managers Serving the Mission : Organizational Antecedents and Social Consequences of Job Choice Motivation in the Nonprofit Sector Section2 Environments Of Alternating Waves and Shifting Shores : The Configuration of Reform Values in the US Federal Bureaucracy Analyzing Value Creation of Electronic Human Resource Management (E-HRM) : An Indonesian Case Section3 Leadership Leadership and Public Service Motivation in U.S. Federal Agencies Toward the Trusted Public Organization : Untangling the Leadership, Motivation, and Trust Relationship in U.S. Federal Agencies Section4 Culture Determinants of Positive Job Attitude and Behaviour in the Asian Work Context : Evidence from Korean Central Government Agencies The Roles of Integrative Leadership in Enhancing Organizational Effectiveness in the Chines Public Sector : A Research Note Section5 Structures Working Across the Divide : Job Involvement in the Public and Nonprofit Sectors Research on Accountability in the Korean Central Government Agencies : Exploring Antecedent and Moderating Effects of Public Service Motivation, Goal Clarity, and Person–Organization Fit Section6 Processes Work Motivation and Social Communication among Public Managers The Effects of Personnel Reform Systems on Georgia State Employees’ Attitudes : An Empirical Analysis from a Principal-Agent Theoretical Perspective Section7 People Antecedents, Mediators, and Consequences of Affective, Normative, and Continuance Commitment : Empirical Tests of Commitment Effects in Federal Agencies Exploring the Antecedents and Consequences of the Acceptance of Performance Appraisal Systems : The U.S. Federal Case Section8 Organizational Performance/ Effectiveness Exploring the Topography of Performance and Effectiveness of U.S. Federal Agencies Determinants of Job Satisfaction and Turnover Intentions of Public Employees : Evidence from U.S. Federal Agencies Index Appendix 저자약력 About the Author / Editor Sung Min Park (sm28386@skku.edu) is currently an associate professor in the Department of Public Administration & Graduate School of Governance at Sungkyunkwan University (SKKU). He has also served as assistant professor in the Greenspun School of Environmental and Public Affairs (SEPA) at the University of Nevada in Las Vegas. Park conducts research on management and human resource management in the public sector, focusing on leadership; values and motivations; organizational culture and structure; organizational behavior and performance; human resource development; IT management; and human resource information systems in the public, private, and nonprofit sectors. His academic work appears in American Review of Public Administration; Review of Public Personnel Administration; International Public Management Journal; Public Personnel Management; International Review of Administrative Sciences; Public Management Review; International Journal of Human Resource Management; and International Review of Public Administration. In 2005, Sung Min Park received Sage Publications’ Best Doctoral Conference Paper Award presented by the Public and Nonprofit Division of the Academy of Management. In 2006, Bill Collins Award for the outstanding doctoral student paper was presented to him at the 2006 Southeastern Conference for Public Administration. In 2008, he received the 2007 Review of Public Personnel Administration (ROPPA) Best Article Award, conferred jointly by the American Society for Public Administration and Sage Publications. In the same year, he also received the 2007 Academy of Management (AOM) PNP Division Best Dissertation Award. In 2013, when he returned to Korea, he received the SKKU-Fellowship (Young Fellow) Award for Excellence in Research and Teaching, conferred by Sungkyunkwan University. Until now, Park has served as a director of the Global MPA Program in the Graduate School of Governance at SKKU and has worked as a managing editor of Korean Social Science Journal. He is also serving as a guest reviewer/referee of a wide range of internationally renowned ISI indexed journals. He received his B.A. degree from Yonsei University in 1997 (from the Department of Political Science and International Studies) and his M.I.A. degree from Columbia University in 2002 (from the School of International and Public Affairs). He continued his formal education until 2007 when he received his Ph.D. degree from the University of Georgia (from the Department of Public Administration and Policy in the School of Public and International Affairs). |